Promoting Disney's Latest OTT Platform

When United Front Design asked Goon to help with Disney's "Watch" campaign, we jumped at the chance! The goal of the campaign was to promote the newest Disney OTT platform, and we were excited to be a part of it.

To capture the spirit of the Disney XD viewer - young, spunky kids from a variety of backgrounds - we shot stop-motion-like video of various kids and composited them into zany environments that still resembled neighborhoods and homes.

Personifying the Disney XD Viewer

Production for the campaign involved more than 20 different commercials, and as part of a team of 5 designers, we came up with a quirky and colorful stop-motion graphic style that used 45 kid actors and 100 different scenes. The spots aired both domestically and internationally.

"Ready to Tackle Your Own
Design Challenge?

If you have a design challenge in mind and want to bring it to life with the help of Goon, simply fill out the form below to get started. Our team is here to help you turn your vision into a reality.


Girl and The Dreamcatcher Music Video


Arcade Fire Capitol Records Show